The Delhi High Court has asked the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to respond to a petition from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) requesting a centrally located residence for Arvind Kejriwal, AAP’s national convenor. The petition, anchored on a Ministry memorandum from 2014, contends that heads of national parties should be eligible for a residence if they lack alternative government-provided accommodations.
In court, AAP’s representative argued that Kejriwal meets the criteria for such an allocation, with formal requests already submitted to the Ministry. Standing Counsel for the Centre, Apoorv Kurup, accepted notice of the petition. The court plans to revisit the issue on November 26.
Present for AAP were Senior Advocate Rahul Mehra alongside advocates Prateek Chadha, Chaitanya Gosain, Arjun Nayyar, and Aniket Chauhaan. Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma and several other government advocates represented the Centre.