The Delhi High Court has declined an urgent request by Shifa ur-Rehman for an early hearing of his appeal against the denial of bail in a high-profile case tied to the 2020 Delhi riots under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Despite his application, the Court, emphasizing the already scheduled date, refused to bring the hearing forward from its November 25 listing.
The Bench, comprising Justices Navin Chawla and Shalinder Kaur, stated, “Considering the Board’s schedule, the request for an earlier hearing cannot be accommodated. The appeal remains on track for the scheduled date when efforts will be made to address it fully.” Rehman’s case aligns with those of co-accused Umar Khalid and Sharjeel Imam, all of whom will have their appeals heard on the same day.
Rehman, the former President of Jamia Millia Islamia’s Alumni Association, was detained in April 2020 on accusations of inciting communal tensions during protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). His legal team maintains that he exercised his constitutional right to peaceful protest, portraying him as an activist rather than an instigator of violence.