The Kerala High Court has requested Union Minister and actor Suresh Gopi to answer a petition questioning the legitimacy of his victory as Member of Parliament from the Thrissur constituency in the 2024 elections. Justice Kauser Edappagath directed Gopi to respond by November 22.
The petitioner, Binoy AS, affiliated with the All India Youth Federation, contests Gopi’s win announced in June, alleging campaign misconduct leading up to the April election. Binoy’s petition argues that Gopi, along with his team, engaged in “corrupt practices” defined under India’s election laws. These allegations include misuse of religious symbols, bribery through promises of gifts such as mobile phones, and making appeals that might have skewed public opinion on religious grounds.
Binoy’s claim includes footage allegedly showing Gopi and his campaign associates enticing voters with monetary incentives and religious appeals. Additionally, one of Gopi’s campaigners allegedly encouraged voters to consider a Hindu deity when casting their vote, further embedding religious sentiment into the campaign.
The plea asserts that these actions breach electoral guidelines and calls for Gopi’s win to be annulled, urging the court to void his election.