In a recent legal setback, the Madras High Court has rejected a petition by self-proclaimed godman Nithyananda Swami. The court upheld an earlier decision allowing Harihara Swamigal to join a pending lawsuit concerning the appointment of pontiffs at Madurai Adheenam.
Nithyananda, previously appointed as a junior pontiff in 2012 but later removed due to serious allegations, contested the court’s decision following the death of the senior pontiff, Arunagirinatha Swamigal. He argued for his succession, but Justice R Vijayakumar dismissed his petition.
The court clarified that Harihara Swamigal’s involvement in the lawsuit is procedural and does not alter the ongoing legal proceedings. Senior Advocate Isaac Mohanlal represented Nithyananda, while Senior Advocate B Saravanan and others appeared for Harihara Swamigal and the HR&CE Department.
This ruling underscores the legal complexities surrounding religious institutions and their leadership transitions, highlighting the continuing legal battle over the Madurai Adheenam’s leadership.