The long and contentious saga of the Gauri Lankesh murder case has reached a controversial juncture, with all accused now out on bail. The latest development unfolded when a Bengaluru court granted bail to Sharad Bhausaheb Kalaskar, the last of the detained individuals facing trial.
On January 8, the Principal City Civil and Sessions Judge ruled in favor of Kalaskar, emphasizing “parity” as the decisive factor. With 16 of his co-accused already granted bail, the court deemed continued detention inequitable. Kalaskar had been in custody since September 2018, with the trial’s conclusion appearing a distant prospect.
The ruling not only secured Kalaskar’s release but also marked the peculiar status of the trial: 17 of the 18 individuals accused in the case now roam free. The sole exception is Vikas Patil, an absconding suspect yet to face the court.
Prosecutors had vehemently opposed Kalaskar’s plea, citing his prior conviction and the potential threat of recidivism. However, the court’s decision leaned heavily on the principle of equal treatment under the law and the prolonged delay in proceedings.
“Speedy trial is a fundamental right implicit in the broad sweep and content of Article 21 of the Constitution,” the court observed, highlighting that extended pre-trial detention undermines constitutional protections.
This isn’t the first instance of such bail approvals in the case. The Karnataka High Court previously granted relief to seven accused, with delays in trial frequently cited as justification.
The murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh, gunned down by motorcycle-borne assailants outside her Bengaluru home on September 5, 2017, remains an open wound for advocates of press freedom and justice. As the trial languishes, the release of all accused casts a shadow on the judicial process and the quest for accountability in one of the most chilling crimes against a journalist in recent memory.