In a dramatic shift within the entertainment sector, Terribly Tiny Ventures Private Limited (TTT) has orchestrated the complete transfer of its ownership to Collective Artists Network India Private Limited (Collective). This pivotal transaction, steered by Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (CAM), marks a transformative moment for both entities involved.
CAM’s adept advisory prowess navigated the intricate negotiations that culminated in the seamless transfer of TTT’s entire shareholding to Collective. The transaction was meticulously structured, involving pivotal legal documents such as the comprehensive share purchase agreement and a detailed disclosure letter.
The team at CAM, specializing in General Corporate and Technology Media Telecommunications, played a pivotal role in ensuring the transaction’s smooth execution. Led by Aarushi Jain, Partner & Head of Media, Education & Gaming, alongside Smruti Shah, Partner, the team included Pooja Kapadia, Priya Gupta, and Keerthi Kumar, providing invaluable support throughout the process.
This significant milestone underscores CAM’s commitment to facilitating strategic shifts in the entertainment landscape, solidifying their reputation as trusted advisors in complex corporate dealings.