The Kerala High Court has mandated the swift appointment of CV Prakash, Additional Secretary in the State’s Home Department, as the new Devaswom Commissioner for the Travancore Devaswom Board, setting a two-week deadline for formal orders to be issued.
In a recent ruling, Justices Anil K Narendran and Harisankar V Menon observed the vacancy in the Devaswom Commissioner position, instructing that Prakash be appointed on deputation until May 18, 2025. His extensive experience in the Vigilance and Home Departments was a significant factor in the decision.
“From the panel, we find CV Prakash, with notable experience in both the Vigilance and Home Departments, suitable for the Devaswom Commissioner role on a deputation basis until 18.05.2025. He shall also serve as the Member Secretary of the High Power Committee for the Implementation of the Sabarimala Master Plan,” stated the Court.
The court stressed that future appointments or term extensions for the Devaswom Commissioner must have prior approval from the Court, with prompt reporting of any vacancies.
This directive follows a suo motu case addressing the administrative issues and irregularities within the Travancore and Cochin Devaswom Boards, initiated from a judgment dated March 25, 2024. The next hearing is scheduled for July 10.